
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Jollibee Party

It was a treat from my mom , lucky me! hehehe. She wanted to throw a simple party for Dom at her house for our neighbors but I said it would be so hard in our case since we don't have enough manpower to help us with the cooking, cleaning and food setup. So I suggested that we just have a Jollibee party for the kids, where food is good and as we all know, Jollibee is a hit for kids. Most of all, we don't have to worry about cleaning time. Hahaha.
I had everything done two months prior to Dom's exact birthday. Paid the reservation and chose the food. I just bought the prizes and souvenirs from 168 3 days before the party. Boy, i got a lot of stuff for the kids , i even got myself a pair of safety glasses at a cheap price. Overall, it was a great party, we all had fun , most especially my parents.
Now, I feel like preparing a simple party for my little boy who will soon turn four. I want to treat the kids fairly , and that includes birthday parties and simple celebrations. Hello budget:)

1 comment:

janis said...

happy birthday!! :)