
Wednesday, February 13, 2008

V - day

Snagged this from Jane :)

1. Do you believe in celebrating this occasion? Not really.

2. Do you and your husband celebrate Valentine’s? Nope. Everywhere is traffic and crowded, so better stay at home.

3. Is the celebration simple or very extravagant? Very Simple.

4. Does the husband shower you gifts during this day? NO. I actually told him yearsss ago that I am not fond of receiving flowers, nor chocolates. Get me some shoes! (joke!) I am not that mushy I guess. Sorry , but I dont wanna be seen holding a bouquet during V day.

5. Any plans this February 14, 2008? None yet. I'm pissed , remember?

I always feel that Valentine's day is for the "courting stage", coz once you are married, you can celebrate it anytime you want :) And instead of getting flowers (which I can only see and feel, too lucky if you can smell) , better get me something I can use, like shoes? or a nice bag? hahahaha! Joke!

Happy Hearts day everyone!

1 comment:

Ozzy's Mom said...

ahaha korek!:)

or jewelry!!