
Saturday, December 08, 2007

A Thyroid-y Saturday

I am down with colds today. I woke up okay, but minutes after, everything went bad. Oh my! I got allergic with the scent of a newly printed newspaper that I possibly sniffed at Joaqui's pedia's clinic. We went to his Pedia-Endocrinologist for a follow up with his thyroid glands. Everything is great, the FT4 and TSH results are under the normal range so nothing to worry at all. His developmental side is great too. Doctora noticed how smart the little boy is, as he loves to talk. I kept on saying "opo" to Dra when she was explaining things. And the little boy kept on saying "opo" (in a crystal clear sound) too. LOL! Joaqui is still under monitoring though, we will be back by the last week of Feb. Some other kids daw kasi, nag fluctuate and TSH at certain periods, so it is better to monitor every 2 - 3 months, just to be sure.

In case you are wondering, I had hyperthyroidism when I was pregnant with Joaqui, I was under medication til I gave birth , so it is a must to check on Joaqui regularly. His Newborn screening results were all okay. but still his pedia would like everything to be monitored. There were cases daw kasi that Hypothyroidism ( the one that causes growth and developmental abnormality) can't be detected at the Newborn exam. True enough. I talked with a lot of mommies in her pedia's waiting hall, negative sa screening, but in time, they noticed na some abnormalities, like the tongue is really getting wider and longer.. A lot of stories talaga!.. My hyperthyroidism is also the cause of my figure. I don't get fat at all... though i eat a lot, ganyan na talaga body ko, endocrinology is said to be connected with metabolism. One kid at Doctora's office was said to have hyperthyroidism. They noticed that though she eats a lot, no weight gain at all, and she looks like my figure when I was her age. Payatot in other words.

I love chatting with fellow mommies there, andami ko natutunan ah. And i get better insights of the different aspects of hypo and hyper thyroidism. Chikadora eh :)

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